Connect with Student Beans
Our student verification tool Connect can integrate seamlessly with your website, app or store.
We connect over 4.1m+ students with 1,000s of brands in over 100 countries.
Student verification for your website
Web Connect is a plug and play solution that integrates directly with your website to verify students securely in real-time on your site.
Integration is simple, two options to suit your tech requirements.
Embedded Connect
Hosted Connect – no code required
Student verification for your app
App Connect is available for both iOS and Android apps. Our technology verifies your app users as students via our Student Beans app. Once verified, we’ll send users directly back to where they left off in your app to complete purchase.
Student verification for your store
Increase footfall and student sales at your store with our in-store student verification. Raise awareness of your store to loyal Student Bean app users via your own store listing in our app.