Need help digging deeper
into Gen Z’s thoughts and behaviours?
Voxburner has got you covered.
Bespoke Research projects will help you target Gen Z. It’s the perfect solution for marketers looking to better understand and connect with Gen Z on a real-life problem or campaign, totally bespoke to your business goals.
Our Gen Z Audience
With access to over 1 million Gen Zers globally, Voxburner can help you ask the
questions that will solve your marketing problems.
What research can be conducted?
Whether you’re trying to get insights into who your target customer is, are looking for ways to shape your next marketing campaign, do some creative testing, or even want to do some digging on your influencers’ effectiveness, we can help!
Quantitative Study & Qualitative Study
Quantitative Study
Test attitudes and usage, brand positioning, concepts and campaigns with wider populations to find trends and make predictions.
Qualitative Study
Gather in-depth insights and understand concepts, opinions, or experiences for your target audience to understand the why.
What’s the format of the research?
Our panel of outspoken Gen Zers help us to keep our finger on the pulse of the latest behavioural trends and understand the motivations behind them. We use:
Large-scale qualitative projects
Quantitative surveys
All to immerse ourselves in the lives of Gen Z and deliver future-proof, actionable insights to our partners.
We have a global reach including the UK, US, Europe and more – please contact us for a full list of countries.
Our Bespoke Research clients
and more!
Case Studies
National Express
Completely shifted their student marketing strategy, backed by quantitative Gen Z insights.
University of Hull
Tested and selected their next winning student recruitment campaign based on qualitative and quantitative Gen Z insights.