Student Loyalty Map
Across the United States, Gen Z students are discovering new brands and cultivating loyalties as well speak. This is, after all, the generation that believes its brand loyalties can last a lifetime. But how does this loyalty manifest on a state-by-state basis?
Student Beans presents the Student Loyalty Map. Learn the states in which student loyalty is highest – and understand how loyalty manifests across different verticals.

Top 50 Cities
Select a state to begin.
Rank | City | State |
1 | Miami | Florida |
2 | Atlanta | Georgia |
3 | Minneapolis | Minnesota |
4 | Tampa | Florida |
5 | Las Vegas | Nevada |
6 | Raleigh | North Carolina |
7 | Houston | Texas |
8 | Denver | Colorado |
9 | Baltimore | Maryland |
10 | Sacramento | California |
11 | Charlotte | North Carolina |
12 | Dallas | Texas |
13 | Milwaukee | Wisconsin |
14 | Nashville | Tennessee |
15 | Tucson | Arizona |
16 | Jacksonville | Florida |
17 | Seattle | Washington |
18 | Kansas City | Missouri |
19 | Omaha | Nebraska |
20 | Virginia Beach | Virginia |
21 | Austin | Texas |
22 | Chicago | Illinois |
23 | El Paso | Texas |
24 | Portland | Oregon |
25 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania |
26 | Los Angeles | California |
27 | Detroit | Michigan |
28 | San Diego | California |
29 | Arlington | Virginia |
30 | Albuquerque | New Mexico |
31 | Fort Worth | Texas |
32 | San Jose | California |
33 | Indianapolis | Indiana |
34 | Louisville | Kentucky |
35 | Tulsa | Oklahoma |
36 | San Antonio | Texas |
37 | Boston | Massachusetts |
38 | Columbus | Ohio |
39 | Memphis | Tennessee |
40 | Fresno | California |
41 | Long Beach | California |
42 | Wichita | Kansas |
43 | Colorado Springs | Colorado |
44 | Oklahoma City | Oklahoma |
45 | Phoenix | Arizona |
46 | Oakland | California |
47 | Washington | Washington |
48 | San Francisco | California |
49 | New York City | New York |
50 | Mesa | Arizona |
Alabama is the 17th biggest Gen Z money-saving US state, at 17 in the overall state ranking. Whilst most discount use remains broad across spending categories, students in Alabama are four times more likely to use discounts for food and drink purchases.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 17 |
Tech | 23 |
Food + Drink | 5 |
Fashion | 28 |
Beauty | 21 |
Health | 23 |
Fitness | 23 |
Alaskan students rank lowly across the money-saving table across most spending categories, apart from beauty and health where students have shown slight interest in the past year. Despite the low loyalty usage, Alaska is the 17th most expensive US state to study in.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 47 |
Tech | 44 |
Food + Drink | 49 |
Fashion | 33 |
Beauty | 28 |
Health | 27 |
Fitness | 44 |
Arizona students come in at 28th on the ranking table for money-saving states to study in, with a slight preference towards food + drink discounts and lesser so on fashion and technology.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 28 |
Tech | 43 |
Food + Drink | 25 |
Fashion | 40 |
Beauty | 36 |
Health | 38 |
Fitness | 43 |
Arkansas is the 36th most money-saving state according to findings, which also show that students in Arkansas are particularly drawn to loyalty use across beauty and health categories.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 36 |
Tech | 21 |
Food + Drink | 31 |
Fashion | 29 |
Beauty | 12 |
Health | 11 |
Fitness | 20 |
Calirfornia is the 14th top US money-saving state according to our latest reportings, driven by high discount use across food, drink and fashion – which comes as no surprise to the state home to some of the biggest stars in the world. With its cities ranking high across the US league table, and colleges and universities scattered across the Top 250 list, America’s home to the largest number of US students have been busy hunting online for the latest discounts to save them dollars each year.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 14 |
Tech | 32 |
Food + Drink | 12 |
Fashion | 21 |
Beauty | 29 |
Health | 29 |
Fitness | 33 |
Colorado ranks 26th in our list of money-saving states, with students expressing a preference for health and beauty discounts.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 26 |
Tech | 28 |
Food + Drink | 29 |
Fashion | 36 |
Beauty | 25 |
Health | 25 |
Fitness | 28 |
The state of Connecticut is 11th on the nationwide list of best student money-saving states, fuelled by students using loyalty discounts across Tech, Food and Drink, Fashion and Fitness within the past year. As the 14th most expensive state to study in, the state is home to thrifty and financially students.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 11 |
Tech | 13 |
Food + Drink | 11 |
Fashion | 13 |
Beauty | 41 |
Health | 36 |
Fitness | 13 |
Delaware is home to America’s 2nd best place to study for money-saving students, helping to place the state 13th on the discount/loyalty table.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 13 |
Tech | 16 |
Food + Drink | 9 |
Fashion | 19 |
Beauty | 32 |
Health | 31 |
Fitness | 16 |
Florida is the 4th most loyalty-discount driven US state, driven primarily by discount code use across Fashion, Beauty, Health and Fitness category spend. When it comes to dollar-saving for Food + Drink purchases, students in Florida aren’t as motivated, placing 17th for usage.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 4 |
Tech | 5 |
Food + Drink | 17 |
Fashion | 3 |
Beauty | 2 |
Health | 2 |
Fitness | 5 |
Georgia is the number one state for top money-saving/loyalty discount students acording to a new report by Student Beans. In the past year, Gen Z students across the state topped the list when it comes to saving dollars across fashion, beauty and health spending, closely followed by food and drink in 3rd, and fitness and tech at 11th. What’s more intersting is that students in Georgia pay on average $12.4 p/annum to study, making it America’s 34th most expensive state to study in – well below the national average. Home to the 11th largest number of US students, those in Atlanta have helped to land it in 2nd place on the nationwide city ranking for discount use, and those at Georgia State University are 22nd in the country when it comes to top loyalty usage across American education institutions.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 1 |
Tech | 11 |
Food + Drink | 3 |
Fashion | 1 |
Beauty | 1 |
Health | 1 |
Fitness | 11 |
Students studying in Hawaii rank low across the nationwide table for money-saving, placing 39th on the list. However, this demographic does show a preference for fashion discounts.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 39 |
Tech | 50 |
Food + Drink | 47 |
Fashion | 23 |
Beauty | 43 |
Health | 39 |
Fitness | 50 |
Students in Idaho are some of the lowest users of online discounts when looking to save dollars across spending categories such fashion, food and drink.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 45 |
Tech | 38 |
Food + Drink | 42 |
Fashion | 41 |
Beauty | 35 |
Health | 37 |
Fitness | 38 |
Illinois is the 5th best money-saving state for students according to latest reportings by Student Beans, with those across the state driving loyalty usage highly within fashion, fitness, and tech spending categories.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 5 |
Tech | 12 |
Food + Drink | 14 |
Fashion | 7 |
Beauty | 19 |
Health | 18 |
Fitness | 12 |
Although Indiana is the 24th best state to be for money-saving students, when it comes to beauty and fashion, it ranks more highly coming in at 9th respectively.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 24 |
Tech | 31 |
Food + Drink | 35 |
Fashion | 24 |
Beauty | 9 |
Health | 9 |
Fitness | 31 |
Iowa is the 40th top US state for money-saving, ranking low across each spending category.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 40 |
Tech | 39 |
Food + Drink | 38 |
Fashion | 39 |
Beauty | 42 |
Health | 44 |
Fitness | 39 |
Although Kansas ranks low in terms of overall money-saving spend, students in the state have a particular interest in all things beauty and health.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 35 |
Tech | 33 |
Food + Drink | 41 |
Fashion | 35 |
Beauty | 17 |
Health | 19 |
Fitness | 32 |
Students in Kentucky are less likely to look for loyalty initiatives according to latest findings, which may be due to the state being the 32nd most expensive state to study, lower than the US national average.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 29 |
Tech | 27 |
Food + Drink | 27 |
Fashion | 34 |
Beauty | 23 |
Health | 24 |
Fitness | 26 |
Louisiana is the 12th top state for money-saving students, driven by high loyalty usage across a vast array of spending categories – most prominently beauty and health (7th) and fitness (8th).
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 12 |
Tech | 10 |
Food + Drink | 18 |
Fashion | 11 |
Beauty | 7 |
Health | 7 |
Fitness | 8 |
Maine is America’s 42nd top money-saving state, despite being the 18th most expensive state to study in for US students according to latest findings by Student Beans.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 42 |
Tech | 36 |
Food + Drink | 43 |
Fashion | 42 |
Beauty | 47 |
Health | 46 |
Fitness | 35 |
Maryland comes in at 7th on the Student Beans list of top money-saving states, driven primarily by high volumes of loyalty use across Gen Z fashion spending.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 7 |
Tech | 20 |
Food + Drink | 13 |
Fashion | 4 |
Beauty | 15 |
Health | 15 |
Fitness | 21 |
Students in Massachusetts are the 20th best money-savers according to latest findings by student beans, despite being the 2nd most expensive US state to study in – with fees on average costing almost £20k p/annum – $5,000 more than the national average. Despite Boston coming in at 37 on the top cities list (driven by high discount use from those at Boston University – 40th), students in Massachusetts are missing out when it comes to making dollars work smarter and not harder.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 20 |
Tech | 35 |
Food + Drink | 20 |
Fashion | 20 |
Beauty | 46 |
Health | 45 |
Fitness | 36 |
Michigan is home to some of the highest tech and fitness Gen Z spenders, coming in at 18th on a state ranking list of top-money saving students across the US.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 18 |
Tech | 3 |
Food + Drink | 22 |
Fashion | 15 |
Beauty | 30 |
Health | 30 |
Fitness | 3 |
Despite low loyalty usage across the board, coming in at 31 on a nationwide list of top money-saving US states for students, those in Minneapolis are the 3rd most financially savvy in the country, driven primarily by discount usage at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Walden Univeristy and University ofg Minnesota. Students make up 7% of the State population, making it the 6th most popualed US student state.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 31 |
Tech | 40 |
Food + Drink | 34 |
Fashion | 27 |
Beauty | 34 |
Health | 33 |
Fitness | 40 |
Although coming in at 30th on the top 50 state rank table, Gen Z students in Mississipii have an appetite for food and drink discounts, coming in at 6th on the highest savers in this category across the country.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 30 |
Tech | 30 |
Food + Drink | 6 |
Fashion | 27 |
Beauty | 10 |
Health | 12 |
Fitness | 29 |
Students in Missouri are the nation’s 22nd top money-savers, driven by high loyalty usage across beauty and health spending categories.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 22 |
Tech | 14 |
Food + Drink | 32 |
Fashion | 22 |
Beauty | 6 |
Health | 8 |
Fitness | 14 |
Montana is the least popular money-saving state for students, falling last on the Student Beans ranking list for loyalty use.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 50 |
Tech | 24 |
Food + Drink | 48 |
Fashion | 45 |
Beauty | 39 |
Health | 41 |
Fitness | 24 |
Although home to one of the highest density of students by population numbers, Nebraska is the 41st money-saving state for students. Students in this state show the greatest preference for saving money on food & drink.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 41 |
Tech | 37 |
Food + Drink | 36 |
Fashion | 43 |
Beauty | 37 |
Health | 40 |
Fitness | 37 |
Although ranking highly for discount usage across beauty, health, fashion and technology, low volumes of food and drink discounts pushes the state of Nevada to 23rd on a list of top ranking US states for money-saving. It therefore comes as no surprise however that Las Vegas ranks high in the top cities list at five, with students at the University of Nevada being the 7th top money-savers across the country. As the 33rd most expensive place to study in, with fees below national average at $12.6k, Nevada students are some of the most financially savvy across the US.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 23 |
Tech | 8 |
Food + Drink | 21 |
Fashion | 5 |
Beauty | 3 |
Health | 3 |
Fitness | 10 |
New Hampsire
More than one-in-ten people living in New Hampshire are current students, making up almost 14% of the population despite the low number of students in comparrison to other US states. With a high average cost of $15.5k p/annum for students, it comes as no surprise that the Southern New Hampshire University is the countries number one school for money-saving students.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 25 |
Tech | 49 |
Food + Drink | 24 |
Fashion | 50 |
Beauty | 50 |
Health | 50 |
Fitness | 49 |
New Jersey
The state of New Jersey is the 2nd biggest money-saving state, topping spending categories for tech and fitness (1), fashion (2) and food and drink (4). As the 4th most expensive state to study in, with fees costing on average $18k p/annum, it comes as no surprise that the State University of New Jersey is the 10th best money-saving school in America.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 2 |
Tech | 1 |
Food + Drink | 4 |
Fashion | 2 |
Beauty | 18 |
Health | 16 |
Fitness | 1 |
New Mexico
New Mexico is the 37th top money-saving state for students, and interestingly is the lowest when it comes to money-saving for food and drink. However, students in this state do show a preference for saving money on tech and fitness.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 37 |
Tech | 17 |
Food + Drink | 50 |
Fashion | 30 |
Beauty | 22 |
Health | 20 |
Fitness | 17 |
New York
New York is the 8th best state for money savers, which comes as no surprise when it comes to high loyalty use across fashion (6th) and food and drink (7th) money saving categories.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 8 |
Tech | 22 |
Food + Drink | 7 |
Fashion | 6 |
Beauty | 38 |
Health | 34 |
Fitness | 22 |
North Carolina
North Carolina is the number one destination for food and drink discounts, according to latest findings by Student Beans. Overall, it is the 6th top state for money-saving, driven by high discount use across additional tech and fitness spending categories.
Top 50 States Rank
Overall | 6 |
Tech | 9 |
Food + Drink | 1 |
Fashion | 14 |
Beauty | 14 |
Health | 14 |
Fitness | 9 |