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Top tips for Gen Z travel marketing post-lockdown

Travel marketing: students return to the beach

As we reach summer holiday season, many of us are dreaming of the overseas adventures we’d usually be embarking on around this time of year. With lockdown measures gradually lifting, there are hopes that non-essential travel will be permitted this summer, particularly as countries such as Spain announce that EU residents can now visit without needing to quarantine on arrival. According to a recent report by DCI, Gen Z is the group who are most likely to be planning travel in the next three months, ahead of Millennials, Gen X and Boomers.

For students, the summer break is prime time for holidays, so travel brands wanting to secure their custom this year need to act now. Travel marketing in 2020 is set to be more complex than in previous years as there are some challenges to overcome. Here’s our advice for travel brands on marketing to students this summer.

1. Reassurance is key

Gen Z may be significantly less at risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 than older people, but research has shown that this doesn’t mean they are less concerned about it. As an anxious generation in general, even in normal times, brands need to make an effort to win their trust. To encourage them to feel comfortable travelling post-lockdown, they need clarity around what they can expect and what will be required from them if they travel, as well as assurance that the appropriate safety measures are in place.

2. Think local

For those students who choose not to head overseas this summer, that doesn’t mean travel is out of the question. Going on holidays or days out within the country will be more appealing than ever as a safe way to fulfil the desire to see somewhere new and make the most of sunny weather. With hotels allowed to open from 4th July, this will encourage students to feel comfortable taking trips with family and friends, representing a very welcome boost to the domestic travel economy.

Travel marketing: will students be enjoying their summer breaks abroad this year?

3. Promote risk-free destinations

According to the DCI report, Gen Z’s top concerns about travelling are getting ill during/after the trip, followed by having to quarantine when they get home or getting stuck overseas. The report also states that Gen Z would be significantly more willing than any other generation to pay more for a coronavirus-free destination. This means that marketing trips to countries which have successfully tackled the virus to this audience should be effective, and highlighting this information will help give young consumers the confidence to book.

Travel marketing post-lockdown: encouraging students to return to the beach

4. An offer they can’t refuse

Worries about the economy are encouraging young people to be more savvy spenders, and look for deals on everything they purchase, especially as they know that more deals will be available as travel brands look to make up for lost time. Offering special discounts to celebrate the loosening of lockdown will be an effective way to convince students to splash out on a holiday before they return to their studies. In the travel sector, group discounts can help to incentivise students to invite more friends to join them on the trip.

With students being such an influential, trendsetting consumer group, getting them back into the habit of travelling will be a boost to the industry as a whole, and a signal to all demographics that travel is back in business. Get in touch today to find out how Student Beans can help give your travel marketing a boost to get this important demographic on board.

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