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Does a new year mean new habits for Gen Z?

Pen and paper with 'New Year Resolutions' written on it

In short, yes! And we’ve got all the insights to help you navigate how Gen Zs will be thinking and feeling by the time January 2022 rolls around. 

What are Gen Zs’ new year resolutions?  

In 2021, the majority of 16-24s in the US made a fitness-related resolution. Over 60% of this cohort made a goal to exercise more and eat more healthily over the last year. This shouldn’t come as a surprise given the state of the pandemic and how health-conscious the Gen Z demographic are

After fitness and healthy eating, 57% of the 16-24s we surveyed in the US said they made a resolution to spend less money and save more. As a financially sensible generation, Gen Zs are typically mindful at budgeting their spending, which is why they are the first to look for deals and discounts when shopping. Bear this in mind when approaching your 2022 marketing strategy. 

42% of students also wanted to make an effort to improve their style and dress better in 2021 – and our latest results show that this will also be a big priority for students in 2022. Fashion brands, be ready. 

Person doing a sit up

Do Gen Z students really stick to their resolutions?

You might be surprised to learn that the majority of 16-24s do actually stick to the resolutions they make in January. In our recent survey, 59% of students in the US said they are still working on achieving their resolutions. On the other hand, just 15% said they didn’t stick to their resolutions for more than a month. 

Of course, 2022 brings with it a whole new air of hope for a more normal year ahead – so we expect resolutions to be high on the agenda for students looking to live their best lives. 

What’s in store for 2022? 

At least 66% of 16-24s will have a resolution this new year. Once again, fitness and healthy eating will be a top priority for this cohort in 2022 – so food and gym wear brands have a prime opportunity to jump on the ‘new year, new me’ trend. 

Meanwhile, 51% of students want to focus more on their education and 48% want to be more organized. Indeed, the next semester is certainly one to get excited for, since classes and activities are very likely to be back to normal in schools and colleges across the states. This means students will be looking for a refresh in school supplies and a whole new wardrobe in time for when they get back out on campus. 

For 2022, 38% of students say they want to travel more. With big events like Spring Break on the horizon, brands within this sector should expect students to go big this new year with their travel plans. 

With the new year fast approaching, get to grips with how to market to Gen Z throughout the early months of 2022 here.  

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