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Event snapshot: Click Frenzy Mayhem

two students sat looking at a laptop screen

With Click Frenzy Mayhem just around the corner, find out how your brand can get involved and engage with Gen Z students ahead of the Winter vacation.

Once students have browsed cheap staycations deals and holiday accessories at Click Frenzy Travel in April, they don’t have to wait too much longer for even more cross-sector deals to land in their digital baskets. Brands, get ready for Click Frenzy Mayhem.

Click Frenzy Mayhem: an overview

This year, Click Frenzy Mayhem is taking place on 18 May. As the name might suggest, this event is a huge two-day online sales event that brings shoppers a whole host of deals across a number of sectors; including fashion, beauty, homeware, electricals and more.

Since its launch in 2012, Click Frenzy Mayhem has built a solid network of brands and has continued to grow in popularity every year since. The 2020 event saw a record number of shoppers visiting the site to bag themself a deal whilst in lockdown. This year, with life looking more normal, Click Frenzy Mayhem will be a haven for students looking to enjoy their freedom and make the most of 2021.

The appeal for students

Most students take their mid-year exams in May, signalling the end of semester one and the beginning of the winter holiday season in June. Any student bogged down by revision will welcome the incentive to purchase some feel-good treats and post-exam goodies, and Click Frenzy Mayhem couldn’t come at a better time for those students on a budget. Plus, with a well-deserved break to follow in June, the Mayhem event is the perfect time for students to refresh their winter wardrobe or bag themselves a new piece of tech in preparation for semester two.

three students studying outside

As a result of the pandemic, 54% of students we surveyed said they look for discounts more often when shopping. As life starts to return back to normal, sales events like Click Frenzy Mayhem will be an obvious choice for Gen Z students looking to live their best lives after their first wave of exams. It’s a win-win for students, and for any brands involved.

Key takeaways for brands

Gen Z students are particularly prone to stress – 44% say they are stressed all or some of the time. Exam season will elevate this problem even further, so your Click Frenzy marketing strategy should focus on providing a positive boost for stressed-out students. Make sure your discounted offering reflects an element of both practicality and fun – as much as students need to stay focused, they will equally want some nice treats to look forward to.

As a financially-savvy group, Gen Zs’ preference is to research ahead of the event so they can decide how to budget their spending without going overboard. Put yourself on Gen Z’s radar by creating a buzz in the weeks leading up to the event to get students excited about what you have to offer. Utilising your website and social media channels is a great way to target students and build long-term brand loyalty.

Our Aussie Events Guide has just landed! Download it now to discover all the key shopping sales events your brand can get involved with throughout the year – and how they appeal to students.

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